Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Decade Later - What I Can't Hear You!

As we near the ten year mark on the attacks of the World Trade Towers and solemnly look back on the events of that day and the days surrounding, I remember taking the vow to "Never Forget".

While I don't believe NJ Transit is attempting to be unpatriotic, I do believe that they have forgotten one of the horrific driving elements to 9-11was the lack of good communication.

Ten years later and there are still a lot of train cars with poor speakers from the Public Address system. Have they "forgotten"?

To other commuters I implore you to please make note of the car number anytime you notice that you can't hear what's being said and e-mail in to this site or directly to NJ Transit. It only stands to hurt us, the riders. In the long run if we ignore the issues that NJ Transit seems to brush aside it iwll end up burning us.

Let' use this sight as a public record for what we know and find with our commute on NJ Transit. Maybe then, NJ Transit will take its commuter riders and their voices seriously!

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