Well, they did it. Not sure who they (The Board) are but they approved a 25% fare hike. That should just fix everything, right?!?! I'm guessing the NJT board just gave themselves a 25% raise! Sure why not, I got a 1.5% raise over the last two years so a 25% fare hike evens things out.
Did I miss the communication that outlined where this deficit came from, who was responsible for it, how it will be corrected so as to not occur again?
How does a deficit this size just occur? It must have been growing and growing? Why at this point does it seem apropriate to raise fares the way they did? The 300 million deficit has probably been around for who knows how long and they now they needed an excuse to raise rates and fatten their pockets.
I wonder how the head of NJ Transit James Weinstein gets to work each day...Does he take the train or the bus? Is he incurring a 25% fare hike?
If and when this deficit is cut is NJ Transit going to recind the 25% increase? Of course not. of course the deficit will never be erased becuase no one in charge knows what they are doing. How else did NJT end up with a 300 million dollar deficit in the first place? It's the blind leading the blind and nothing ever gets better. More money more money, things just get more expensive, services get worse, we work more and more, its an exhausting rat race!
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